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Just a note of thanks for all you do. My cousins’ daughter, Catriona, is currently at Shands in Gainesville, waiting for a heart and lung transplant. She’s been in and out of the hospital for a few years, but now she cannot go home unless she receives her transplant. All the other children on her floor have come and gone, and it’s getting harder to keep her hopes up. My Aunt (her grandmother,) told me that she got to borrow a Wii from the 4th floor and do some virtual bowling - the only exercise she’s been allowed in quite a while! Her father had been asked to repair it, so she got to play with it for a little while before having to give it back.

If I had the means, I would buy her a Wii of her own - or at least for her floor! She’s only 7 years old and is facing death every day. Something as simple as a game brought her so much joy, and she got to feel like a regular child again, if only for an hour.

Please don’t EVER stop what you are doing with Child’s Play! Games and toys are important to children and their development, but they are truly essential to children fighting for their lives.

Words cannot accurately express how I feel. This message seems wholly insufficient to convey my gratitude to those who give to Child’s Play. Their contributions bring important, joyful changes in children’s lives. Your work is truly a blessing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Catriona’s condition is Primary Pulmonary Hypertension and the only cure is a transplant of the heart and both lungs. We’ve been searching for a donor for a long time - but she is very small and a rare blood type, so it’s hard.

We always want to get the word out that being an organ donor saves lives- if my letter will encourage others to become donors and to donate to Child’s Play, it will mean more than I can say.

